Envoy Awarded Construction of New Martinsville Police Department
Envoy is thrilled to have been awarded the construction of Martinsville Police Headquarters. This project is currently in a scoping period to determine construction costs and utilizes a Build, Operate, Transfer method proposed by Gary Oakes, the city's planning and engineering director. Jeff Peters, the city's financial advisor, is leading the financial planning of the project while Envoy and RQAW oversee the building's development.

The police station will feature two floors with 13,100 total square feet, with the first floor being slightly larger than the second floor. Preliminary renderings of the construction project have been received, though the plan is subject to change. The first floor will include multiple departments and rooms that will aid officers with their duties, including a gym and more space for organizational needs. The second-floor plan is projected to hold the offices of the police chief, deputy chief, and additional conference and storage rooms.
Police Chief John Richards is satisfied with the design schemes and is looking forward to having a police station constructed for current and future officers. He stated, “We want to have as big a building as we can have so we'll have space for the future. But we also want to be responsible stewards of taxpayers' money and not go crazy. So I think that we've reached a good compromise. We're just excited that we may be getting a police department.”

Envoy is ready to work on this opportunity to collaborate with the city of Martinsville and the police department. We are committed to providing the best service possible and are dedicated to providing transparency through every step of the process. We are also excited to be working on a project that will allow the Martinsville Police Department to grow, protect, and serve.